Singing Guide: Brittany Snow

Singing Guide: Brittany Snow

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Brittany Snow

Brittany Snow is not only a talented actress, but she's also a singer with a unique voice that captures her audience's attention. Her beautiful voice that ranges from strong and powerful to light and airy always brings her performances to life. If you want to learn how to sing like Brittany Snow, here are some tips and tricks that will help you get started.

Analyze your voice and find your range

Understanding your voice is essential for any singer. One way to get started is by taking the Vocal Range Test offered by Singing Carrots. Remember that Brittany Snow's vocal range is mezzo-soprano, which means her voice is naturally lower than a soprano, but higher than an alto. Knowing your vocal range will help you choose songs that are suitable for your voice and style.

Vocal Techniques

Brittany Snow's voice is unique because she combines a relaxed vocal technique with powerful projection. It is a combination of good breath control, diaphragmatic breathing, and good posture. Here are some tips that will help you achieve this unique vocal technique:

  • Breathing: Breath control is the foundation of good singing. Take a look at these breathing basics to help you optimize your breathing
  • Voice Registers: Understanding voice registers & vocal break will help you develop a smooth voice transition between your chest and head voice. As a mezzo-soprano, Brittany Snow can easily shift between these registers to produce a rich and dynamic sound.
  • Warm-ups: Warming up your vocal cords is a crucial part of any singer's routine. Check out this Farinelli Breathing Exercise video that you can use to warm up before singing.
  • Posture: Good posture is essential when you sing. You can learn the proper posture for singing in this video.

Singing Practice

Brittany Snow's voice is versatile and can accommodate different genres. To emulate her style, you need to practice daily. Regular practice will help you perfect your vocal techniques and style. Here are some practical tips that can help you refine your singing:

  • Song Choice: Choosing a suitable song is the first step towards sounding like Brittany Snow. Singing Carrots allows you to search for songs based on your vocal range, genre preference, and difficulty level.
  • Vocal Techniques Practice: Practice exercises that help you control your voice. In particular, you can check out these videos to practice your Chest Voice, Voice Registers/Mixed Voice/Voice Breaks, and Nasality.
  • Articulation: Singers should learn the art of articulation to enunciate lyrics properly. In this video, Finger Bite Exercise provides practical tips to help you improve your articulation.
  • Performing: Brittany Snow delivers stunning performances that keep her audience engaged. This video on Relaxing Breath will help you calm your nerves and control your emotions when performing on stage.

Songs to Help You Learn

Brittany Snow has displayed her vocal range and unique style in many songs. Here are some of the songs where you can find her style showcased:

  • Singing in the Rain - from the movie Hairspray
  • The New Girl in Town- from the movie Hairspray
  • It's Amazing - from the movie The House Bunny
  • Boogie Wonderland - from the movie Pitch Perfect

Final Thoughts

Brittany Snow's singing style is a combination of good breath control, relaxed vocal technique with powerful projection, and a good posture. Regular practice and performing can help you refine your singing techniques and style. By following these tips and tricks, you'll be able to sing like Brittany Snow in no time.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.